
    東南亞航線 CHINA-BUSAN ,釜山海運整柜 + 海運拖車報關單證服務 香港廣州深圳上海天津青島特價收貨

  • 作者:深圳市敏于行國際貨運代理有限公司 2017-12-20 00:28 921
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          有歐美,中東、東南亞等專線,其中在馬來西亞,新加坡,菲律賓,泰國,俄羅斯等目的港有長期合作代理,具有強大的清關能力,真正達到全程無憂的效果,提供深圳、佛山,廣州、香港、天津、上海、龍口、青島、連云港、張家港、天津等至東南亞/印巴/中南美/歐美/俄羅斯各的國家港口整柜、 拼箱 DDU DDP散貨目的地清關、派送,包稅金,門到門等服務。承接大件貨物運輸(大件機械設備、工程設備、運輸車輛、大型井架設備、打樁機、卷鋼、鋼板),在國際國內各大主要港口城市都已開通航線(非洲、中南美、東南亞、天津、上海、龍口、青島、連云港、張家港、蛇口等)。


     聯(lián)系人:Whitney   敏于行--專業(yè)承接海運至世界各地     

    Seagulls international logistics Co.,Limited. is a professional logistics provider with more than3000 Export company for one yeas. Now we can handle in Tianjin, Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, Jiangmen, Zhanjiang, Nanning anod Guangzhou. for worldwide port ,Our extensive agent network covers more than 30 countries. We are handling more than 100,000 TEU annually covering districts such as Middle East, Red Sea, Insdia Sub Continent, Europe, Mediterranean, Africa, Australia and New Zealandw. What we did has become history. Sealgulls is always looking at tomorrow. We value greatly all the voices from our friends and clients. Only with your advice, can we better improve our service and build an international logistics platform that can keep up with the changing demand of modern society.We are eager to know and be known, so that we can be there with you, in our prosperous future. Trust us, rely on us, we will always be here to answer all your questions, and provide a better solution to all your logistics requirements.In a time of crisis and opportunity, take our hand, because Seagulls will be your trustworthy partner. As a professional international freight forwarding and logistics company and a member of CIFA(China International Freight Forwarders Association), Seagulls dedicates to provide the fastest, most reliable and cost saving service to our customers. Sea freight and air freight from/to China; Packing, warehousing & distribution; Inland transportation; Door to door service; Customs declaration and clearance; Cargo insurance; NVOCC cooperation. 3PL Service Fumigation Service.

    產(chǎn)品價格:50.00 美元/柜 起
    產(chǎn)品數(shù)量:1.00 柜產(chǎn)品規(guī)格:不限
    深圳市敏于行國際貨運代理有限公司 姜小姐女士 MARKET 認證郵箱認證認證 認證 13632718370
    以上信息由企業(yè)自行發(fā)布,該企業(yè)負責信息內容的完整性、真實性、準確性和合法性。免費黃頁網(wǎng)對此不承擔任何責任。 馬上查看收錄情況: 百度 360搜索 搜狗
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