

  • 作者:龍慶機電塑料(嘉興)有限公司 2009-12-16 23:28 187
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    龍慶機電塑料(嘉興)有限公司是專業(yè)生產精密注塑產品的廠家,產品涉及電動工具,電子,家電及汽車等各行業(yè),90%以上產品出口至歐美國家,有自營進出口權.公司不但擁有先進的注塑生產設備,更重要的是我們擁有逾四十年的注塑經驗及專業(yè)的研發(fā)技術團隊以及嚴謹完整的質量體系,使我們獲得了客戶長期以來的信任.憑借著我們的產品質量,成本意識及迅速的產品研發(fā),相信能提供每一位的合作伙伴滿意的產品與服務.  環(huán)境保護已成為全世界每一個公民關心的焦點, 綠色無公害環(huán)保也是龍慶人的標準,從進料、注塑、裝配、出貨每一個環(huán)節(jié)嚴格要求,確保我們的產品符合RoHS與PAHs指令。  公司位距上海、蘇州、杭州、寧波均一小時交通圈,交通十分便利,歡迎中外客戶蒞臨參觀,共建長久合作關系。    Plastech is a plastic injection molding manufacturer in Taiwan with experience over 40 years in developing as well as producing parts and assemblies for automobiles, motorcycles, electric & electronic appliances, sewing machines, etc. In 2003 its subsidiary company in China – Longqing Plastech was established of which main products are vacuum cleaner parts, power tool parts, electronic controller parts and other precision plastic parts supplied to local and foreign customers in US and Europe. In addition to extending existing capability of Plastech, Longqing Plastech can produce metal parts with precision requirements by CNC lathing machines and forging machines. With technologies and equipments from Taiwan, we are sure to provide all customers with best quality, efficient and effective services, and competitive prices.     If you are interested in any of our products or services, please feel free to contact us. Our facility is located within one hour drive from Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hanzhou. We welcome your visit and look forward to building good and long-term business relationship with you.

    龍慶機電塑料(嘉興)有限公司 酈振明女士 經理 認證郵箱認證認證 認證 18605739550
    以上信息由企業(yè)自行發(fā)布,該企業(yè)負責信息內容的完整性、真實性、準確性和合法性。免費黃頁網對此不承擔任何責任。 馬上查看收錄情況: 百度 360搜索 搜狗
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