

  • 作者:唐小女 2015-09-19 18:46 73
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    尚書紅(shanghong)是一個故事品牌過程,“尚”意指品德高尚,五德,孝道,“書”意蘊涵智慧,聰明,知書達禮,“紅”象征美麗,漂亮,暗指轟轟烈烈火的愛情,尚書紅起名借助源于一個故事內容述的是一女勇敢追求愛情,不愄家公提出的刁難要求,通過勤下海打魚到集市換銀子買衣裳,脂粉,首飾,鞋子,草雞變鳳凰獲得了愛情過程,表達古代人們追求幸福的勇敢精神和執(zhí)著,同時也暗示著古代著裝打份是一種地位,權利的象征,體現(xiàn)了打份間接中也表現(xiàn)了人們日常生活中著裝打份不僅是一種儀表上表現(xiàn),社交上禮貌待客,禮貌尊重,也是人們生活中流行的一種時尚潮流,不管是歷史上還是現(xiàn)在一直保存下來的潮流,一種藝術時尚美. (shanghong) is a story brand process, ";yet"; means high moral character, five German, filial piety, ";book"; means implies wisdom, smart, knows the book up ceremony, the ";red"; is like a beautiful, beautiful, alluding to stir the fire Love, named Red Book of the contents of the help comes from a story above is a woman courageous pursuit of love, not Wei family made things difficult for the public demand to the market through the ground for sea fishing money to buy clothes, cosmetics, jewelry, shoes, Cao Ji Phoenix won the love change process, the expression of the ancient people to pursue happiness courage and commitment, but also implies that the ancient dress were a position to play, right symbol of a person"s play were also indirectly the performance of people in daily life Dress is not only an instrument to play copies of presentations, socially courteous and polite respect, but also people living in a popular fashion trend, both historically and now the trend has been preserved, an art fashion the United States. 唐小女(個人)是一家服裝的企業(yè),是經(jīng)國家相關部門批準注冊的企業(yè)。主營服裝、首飾、化妝品,公司位于中國廣東廣州市天河區(qū)廣東省廣州市天河區(qū)上社口崗大街26號。銷售處分為在廣州市,云南,唐小女(個人)本著“客戶第一,誠信至上”的原則,與多家企業(yè)建立了長期的合作關系。熱誠歡迎各界朋友前來參觀、考察、洽談業(yè)務。 
    品牌名稱 : 其他

    產(chǎn)品價格:5.40 元/PCS 起
    唐小女 唐小女女士 經(jīng)理 認證認證 認證 15817079047
    以上信息由企業(yè)自行發(fā)布,該企業(yè)負責信息內容的完整性、真實性、準確性和合法性。免費黃頁網(wǎng)對此不承擔任何責任。 馬上查看收錄情況: 百度 360搜索 搜狗
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