
    北京道奇思唯裝飾工程設計有限公司,  是一家以專業(yè)水準求創(chuàng)新的設計公司?!暗佬闹辽稀⑵鏋樾哪睢?,“道心”是“人心”也是道奇人做事、做人的態(tài)度,包含了仁、義、禮、智、善;“奇”是我們對設計的最求,為創(chuàng)新、為完美。        北京道奇思唯裝飾工程設計有限公司是中國建筑裝飾協(xié)會會員單位,與世界500強企業(yè)多次合作,我們與眾多企業(yè)合作都保持著良好的口碑,這使道奇人在工作中穩(wěn)健的走著每一步。 我們專注于公共空間的室內外環(huán)境設計,擁有一支由境內外設計師組成的設計團隊。設計領域至商業(yè)空間、酒店會所空間、辦公空間。設計經驗豐富??蔀槟峁┘b飾設計、工程施工、材料配送、配飾為一體的整套服務。      公司傾注于精品裝飾工程的設計與施工,在高檔辦公空間、酒店賓館、餐飲娛樂、大型商業(yè)空間等裝修工程中積累了豐富的經驗,建立了從方案設計、工程施工、質量檢驗到驗收服務一系列完整細致的工程服務流程。 Beijing Dodge decoration engineering design co. LTD. is a professional creative design company. Tao-mind for goal and Novel-mind for heart is our vision. Tao-mind is the attitude of dodgers to behave and to work. Meanwhile it includes the benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and goodness. Novel-mind is our design pursuit for innovation and perfection.Beijing Dodge decoration engineering design co. LTD., a member of China Construction & Decoration Association, ever worked with the world top 500 enterprises for many times. We keep a good reputation among our partners. All these make the Dodge people walk their way steady. We focus on indoor and outdoor public space environment design. We have a design team composed of domestic and overseas designers. Our design fields inlude commercial space, hotel office space and office space. We provide you with a whole package of services from decoration design, engineering, construction, material distribution to accessory decoration.Beijing Dodge focuses on design and construction of high-class decoration engineering, We have accumulated much experience in projects of high-class office space, hotel & restaurant space, dining & en

    產品價格:200.00 元/普通 起
    產品數(shù)量:1.00 普通產品規(guī)格:
    北京道奇思唯裝飾工程設計有限公司 扈雪濤女士 SEM營銷員 認證郵箱認證認證 認證 13693315114
    以上信息由企業(yè)自行發(fā)布,該企業(yè)負責信息內容的完整性、真實性、準確性和合法性。免費黃頁網對此不承擔任何責任。 馬上查看收錄情況: 百度 360搜索 搜狗
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